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Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good looking, good tempered, well groomed and unaggressive. ~ Leslie McIntyre

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gotta Get Crackin!!

Hey Everyone!
How's your Wednesday??
Mine has been busy busy. Got up at 5:30 this morning and hit the ground running. I knew that today would be crazy at work since it's delivery day so I did all my morning stuff 30 minutes early so I could go into work 30 minutes early. It ended up really helping in the long run because we managed to get everything done so early. Kids are dropping left and right this week (for vacations not from sickness :) ) so that is helping make things a little smoother.
After things slowed down I had my breakfast. Last night I made myself a veggie egg scramble. I chopped up some red onion, two crimini caps and a roma tomato then sauted that in a little olive oil. Then I added two eggs, a splash of water,coarse sea salt and about 2 tablespoons of shredded cheddar cheese. Then put it in a tupperware container to bring it to work in this morning. I also brought two slices of Rudy's Organic Bakery 7 grain and flax bread so I could make myself a little breakfast sammich. I toasted the bread and added a little bit of apple butter. YUM!

That along with my travel mug of hazelnut coffee and I was set for the morning. I got another gift from one of the kids today, but was so excited about it that I forgot to take a picture. I got a $10 gift card to Bread Co or Panera to everyone who doesn't live in St Louis.
Work was a fast pace, but I was so thankful because it was my last day before the holiday and I really didn't want it to drag by. Linsey was there again and so were a couple other girls who's mom's work with me. They all played together so that kept her out of my hair for most of the day. :)
Then we had a quick lunch. Nothing fancy, but just enough to hold me over until I got home since I forgot to bring my lunch today.

Of course I HAD to have one of the homemade cookies a coworker brought is Christmas after all! Ok I had two...and one sugar cookie, (they weren't photographed so you can't prove it!) :) but who's counting!!

I then proceeded to help get my other coworkers set up for tomorrow since I won't be there (thank goodness) and then made three sheet trays full of sugar cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies for snack for the entire school. Once that was finished and snack was handed out we packed it up and headed out. The girls and I all came home and rested for a while in front of the tv. I think we all needed it for some reason.
Jason made it home sometime after that and then I made dinner.
(after watching a Real Housewives of NYC TiVo marathon)
Dinner was simple. Thin whole wheat spaghetti with a portabella red sauce. I did have one piece of cheesy Texas toast, but one never killed anyone.

Sorry for the terrible picture, but the lighting in our house sucks and something is wrong with the crackberry. It has been acting strange since yesterday. The flash is sooooo bright that it basically lights people on fire!
Oh well. Gotta get crackin. Lots to wrap and want to get a head start on house cleaning. Tomorrow's the big day around the Sparks' house. I have a really great menu planned and I think everything will work out well.
Peace out and Merry Christmas...I'm praying for snow!


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The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. ~ Robert Frost